Pra Diploma Sains (UiTM)

MQA/FA 7206 │ JPT/BPP(K)1000-600/M419 Jld.3 (8) N/010/3/0383


Pre-Diploma Science in collaboration with UiTM was introduced to help Bumiputera students from the science stream, as well as to enable those who possess the necessary qualifications to further their studies at the tertiary level.

The programme also aims to prepare and better equip the students before they join the Science and Technology (S & T) based diploma programmes. The programme was specifically established to cater for the students who do not qualify to go straight to diploma/matriculation as well as to give a second opportunity to the students to go for their dream ambition.


Terbuka kepada keturunan Melayu, Anak Negeri Sabah, Negeri Sarawak dan Orang Asli sahaja.


LULUS dalam Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dengan sekurang-kurangnya
TIGA (3) KEPUJIAN termasuk mata pelajaran berikut:

  • Bahasa Melayu
  • Matematik / Matematik Tambahan


LULUS dalam SATU (1) matapelajaran SPM

  • Sejarah
  • Bahasa Inggeris
  • Biologi / Kimia / Fizik / Sains Tambahan

Tempoh Pengajian

  • Sepenuh Masa
  • 6 bulan / 12 bulan ║ 1 semester / 2 Semester

Peluang Pendidikan ke Diploma UiTM

Pelajar yang LULUS program Pra Diploma UiTM (Lulus Naik Taraf – LNT) dengan LULUS semua kursus di peringkat Pra Diploma UiTM boleh membuat pemilihan ke program Diploma UiTM di Fakulti Sains Kesihatan MiCoST seperti Diploma Sains (AS112) dan Diploma Farmasi (PH110).

Selain daripada itu, pelajar juga boleh membuat pemohonan ke program Diploma di kampus UiTM melalui Fakulti Sains Gunaan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, Fakulti Seni Bina, Perancangan dan Ukur, Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Sains Kuantitatif dan Fakulti Agroteknologi.



  • English for Pre Diploma 1
  • Introduction to Human Development
  • Mathematics 1 (Basic)
  • Biology 1
  • Chemistry 1
  • Physics 1
  • English for Pre Diploma 2
  • Mathematics 2 (Advanced)
  • Biology 2
  • Chemistry 2
  • Physics 2